I think many people of you wanna visit that country, because of the K-Wave around the world. But i want you let this country know about 8 Places in Seoul That You Must Visit. First of all...you should read my blogpost, here it is...
For the first time, i landed on Incheon, the best airport in the world from the SkyTrax. Do you know why? Yup, yup...because of the entertainment from the airport. In Incheon, you never get feel bored, because a lot of something to do, like playing ice skeating, casino, take some practise to play a golf, Korean culture museum, go to the cinema, indoor garden, and many mooree...
But, if you don't have much time to explore South Korea, you can go on my list below : 8 places in Seoul you must visit.
Gyeongbok Palace
If you love to watch a Korean Drama, you will be notice where is it. Yaa...almost of sageuk Korean drama taking shoot in this place. Gyeongbok Palace or Gyeongbokgung. This palace have more than 7000 rooms, soo...have you imagine how do you walk around it?
Gyeongbokgung Palace was the main royal palace of the Joseon dynasty. This palace built on over 40 hectares and unfortunately was destroyed when World War. But, Korean government rebuilt it. So, now this palace can be a beautiful place you can't forget to visit when you come to Seoul, South Korea.
In this place, you can also take so many pictures with the traditional clothes from South Korea, Hanbok, like my brother and sister on those pic. How happy they are...
Related Post :
After satisfied with this place, you must walk into the city center of Seoul. Of course, you can see a lot of common things like in Jakarta. Crowded, traffic jam, and busiest city. A lot of people come here with one purpose. To be a success with their goals!
And i love this character.
Seoul is a city surrounded by mountain and hills. With this character of the city, you can feel like in Bandung, one of city in Indonesia. So friendly people with the fresh air. And only in Seoul, you can find King Sejong Statue. Who is King Sejong?
King Sejong is the great leader for Korea from Joseon dinasty. He created the Korean alphabet, Hangul. Beside that, he is very kind to farmers, a warlord and create an expert technology. Therefore, he is love by the people, until now. Even King Sejong's face is in the most expensive currency of South Korea.
Cheonggyecheon Stream
source : pinterest
It used to be a river that symbolized the poverty of the Korean people. Even during a Korean war broke between North and South Korea, this river become seedy with the sight of vagabonds everywhere. And then, Korean goverment built a toll-road. Due to deterioration of the scenery in Seoul city, the toll-road was finally destroyed. And Cheonggyecheon stream rebuilt so beautifully.
The most beautiful Cheonggyecheon stream when the night's come. There are lots of entertaining performance, like live music, walking along the river and sitting while dipping your feet. There also beautiful light adorning the river.
Hanok Village
This cool place still exist in the middle of the crowded city of Seoul. The government turned it on changing these traditional Korean housee to become a more modern area. However, opposed by the community. People still want an area to show how unique an Korean traditional house.
Besides the number of residents, Hanok village also has a place to be stay for he tourist. Hanok village can be an option to spend the night and feel the sensation of living in the traditional Korean house.
source : my seoulsearching.com
What do you think when i said "Gangnam"?
I think you must remembered with PSY, right? The singer from South Korea who popularized K-Pop as well as the Gangnam area.
Gangnam is the richest area for shopping branded goods. So, if you wanna spend a lot of money for shopping, you can go in this area.
In additon, there is a popular food in this area and spread all of the world. Korean Garlic Bread.
Have you try it?
Myeongdong Street
source : youandmecapturemoments.blogspot.com
This place for shopping again (and again, hehehe), what else?
If you to go to abroad, of course...you wanna bring appropriate souvenirs for family. Well, at Myeongdong street, Indonesian tourist like to spend time and money in this place, because mid-to-high priced. And also, in fact...along the way at Myeongdong street often distibutes cosmetics for free.
Besides the clothing and cosmetics, in this area have so may food street that have affordable price. It's such a heaven for foodies.
If you have been watched "Ugly Alert", a Korean Drama with the main theme about retail store, you may have known this place. Dongdaemun has really huge place with the various shops and restaurants to try. Even you can bargain for every trading.
Find everything that you wanna buy for souvenirs with the best price in here!
Namsan Tower
If Jakarta has Monas, South Korean has Namsan Tower as a landmark. You must visit this place because not only a tower, but also for cityscape views, have a cable car, love padlock trees and Teddy Bear Museum. Why must Teddy Bear?
Because Korean people believe that their ancestor is Teddy Bear.
Nami Island
Do you know what is Namisom?
Namisom is explore Nami Island with the 4rd season, winter, autumn, spring and summer and get the best experience on this island.
Nami Island is known by Winter Sonata Korean drama. This drama is the most popular until now, i think. Therefore, you can find the statue about those character, Kang Joon-sang and Jung Yu-jin.
When you are in Seoul, you can make a day trip with taking roughly one and a half hours use public transportation. Because Nami Island is in the Chuncheon city, near from Seoul. The tips from our guides, if you wanna take a clean photos without distraction from others, you have to come as early as possible.
Finally, we have finished our one-day trip on Seoul, South Korea with kak Ira as a tour-guides in this tour. Why is so short?
Because we do it on virtual tour.
On this currently situation, of course you not allowed to travel abroad first. So, virtual tour is the best way to get travelling experience at home. If you wanna get your special holiday with family on Lombok, you can also catch up the itinerary 4d3n Lombok like this.
Did you interested, besties?
You can find another tour-packages with any places that you wanna go on IG @wisatakreatifjakarta or you can stay-tune on IG @komunitasisb .
Let's be happy
Foot note :
This blogspot is an English Class assignment for TBI Malang in collaboration with ISB.
Thank you, ISB and Mr. Ryan Pucher (TBI Malang).
With love,
MasyaAllah semoga ada kesempatan ke korea ya walaupun aku bukan pecinta drakor tapi korea selatab adalah salah satu negara impianku lho teh
ReplyDeleteWaaah liat foto berduaan pakai baju Korea langsung membayangkan KDrama. Lokasi2 ini memang popular dipakai tempat shooting ya jadi familiar pas melihatnya
ReplyDeleteAku baru sekali ke Korea dan itu pun sudah lamaaaa banget. Untungnya sebagai pecinta drakor tempat-tempat di atas sepertinya akrab, rasanya seperti sudah sering ke sana hehehe
ReplyDeleteThis virtual tour is already poisoned me as well, huuhu..
ReplyDeleteAs a newbie of Korean lover, I've plan to visit Korea and enjoy the place as I've seen in the movie :D
So, this article can be a guidelines for my trip in Korea, even I don't know when will I go.. Hihih.
aku suka semuanya, kebetulan emang pengen banget ke tempat2 yg teteh sebutin, kita sehati ya hahahaa
ReplyDeleteteh, kapan2 ngadain tour ke korea donk, kita backpackeran bareng ke sana yuk, kayaknya seru hahaha karena kita setipe :)
DeleteWaa....Koreaa.. Meski bukan penikmat drakor sepertinya aku mupeng deh dg tempat2 cantik di atas...
ReplyDeleteDan Hanok Village sepertinya yg paling menarik buat saya. Melihat fotonya di sini dan krmbsca diskripsinya, asli pengenrlihatnya langsung deh..
DeleteAsik bgt mbak udh pernah jalan-jalan ke Korea, aku cuma penikmat budayanya saja tapi belum diijinkan Allah ke sana. Semoga bisa ke Korea juga. Mupeng liat fotonya. Ciamik
ReplyDeletePengin ke Korsel ihhh, mau mampir ke rumah Yoo ah in wkwkwkwk
ReplyDeleteTrus mau ketemu ama Ji Chang Wook jugak :D
Diantara semua lokasi yang disebutkan di atas, aku tertarik sama Nami Island. Bisa cakep gitu ya tergantung musimnya!
ReplyDeleteoh my goodness, such an amazing all the picture and now I am really wanna be there to realize those beautiful view. hope when I wake up, my eye see those beautiful places. Hope someday you will realize those amazing city not only in the virtual tour ya mba Len, aamiin, Korea is such nice city, you will more enjoyed in the winter.
ReplyDeleteIs the King Sejong statue made of gold? How big is it?
ReplyDeleteSaya kirain Wisata Kreatif Jakarta hanya mengkhususkan jalan-jalan di Jakarta. Ternyata enggak ya, Mbak. Sampai ke luar negeri pun ada
ReplyDeleteVirtual tour seru jg, bisa merasakan sensasinya kesana langsung, keren sih idenya
ReplyDeleteDaebak, amazing, and great adventour virtual to Seoul. I think Namsan Tower is in Itaewon Class drama.
ReplyDeletewiii... berasa asa di korea beneran jadinya kalau virtual tour kayak gini ya. doa yg kenceng semoga aku beneran bisa ke korea bareng suami dan anak-anak. Aamiin
ReplyDeleteLook! Joining in virtual tour is also interesting, right? So, why do we force ourselves to do physical tour while the pandemic is still around?
ReplyDeleteTalking about traveling to Korea, my sister said that if you lose something at the train or any other public transportation, the police will be easily find it for you - except if the bag is contain of skincare. So, if we can get the cosmetic for free. Keep it safe in our bag, hahaha ...
Weww bneran berasa ke korea baca artikelnya mba aku tuh kepngen bngt jalan2 ke korea khususnya pulau jeju efek sering nonton drakor heheh
ReplyDeleteAku mau ke dasanya itu mba, kayaknya adem gitu ya, keren abnget kalau difoto. Kan cucok meong kalau jadi foto di sosmed. A...kapan bisa ke sana...
ReplyDeleteBelum pernah ke korea selatan, tapi kayaknya mirip dengan jepang keadaan alam dan kebudayaannya.
ReplyDeleteSaya ingin ke nami island kayaknya indah banget yambak kalaulihat dari gambarnya.
Negara impianku setelah Jepang semoga suatu saat bisa kesini sama keluarga. Aamiin
ReplyDeleteMasya Allah, cakep banget emang Korea, apalagi pas liat pemandangan pohon dengan aneka warna daunnya ituuuh, di Nami ya ituu eh cakep mana pemandangan alamnya dari pada memandang oppa oppa nya wakaka
ReplyDeleteSaya abis nonton Crash Landing On You, langsung cari segala info tentang Korea wkwkwk. Tempat tinggalnya Hyun Bin pun dicari, tapi ternyata bukan di Seoul yaa.. di daerah pinggiran, dekat pantai gitu, kabarnya sih daerah apartement mahal emang di sana. Ku lupa namanya daerahnya~
ReplyDeleteI am so excited and I really wanna go to Seoul with my children once the condition becomes better.. Hopefully we all in a good health to do our activities with a good mood.. Aamiin..
ReplyDeleteSeoul memang tempat yang sangat cantik dan wajib dikunjungi saat travelling. Semoga pandemi ini cepat berakhir jadi bisa liburan ke sana ya teh
ReplyDeleteHarusnya tuh November ini aku ke Seoul tapi semua batal karena entah kapan ini Corona selesai ya. Ini salah satu negara yang emang aku pengen kunjungi tahun 2020 ini, insya Allah bisa tahun depan.
ReplyDeleteBelom pernah ke korea akutu Leen. Tapi seolah dibawa jalan2 melalui tulisan ini.
ReplyDeleteDan aku mau mangkal di Nami Island aja deeh. Betaaah apalagi sambil ngopi nyemil cireeng.
Kagum sama pengetahuan Mbak Lendy tentang Korea. Noted ini ya, nanti siapa tahu bisa ke Korea, mmpir di sini lagi.
ReplyDeleteSemoga besokbesok Mbak Lendy diangkat jadi public relation atau orang medianya kedutaan besar Indonesia di Korea yaa.. hihihi..
DeleteWaktu dulu ke Korea malah tidak ke Hanok Village padahal tempatnya bagus dan bisa pakai hanbok hugs disitu. harus ke Korea lagi nihh
ReplyDeletedisaat pandemi gni liat ulasan korea bikin aku menderita pngen jalan2 mba wkwkkkwkkw, sharingnya bagus banget yg pernah aku tau cuman sungai hits itu, hanok sama nami... mimpi dulu deh kapan yak bs kesana semoga segera amin
ReplyDeletehope someday I will be back soon there to see those beautiful places and enjoy amazing view at the night, realize urban life with gorgeous waterfront. trying eat street food with my friend, soon after pandemic is over.
ReplyDeletehanok village favorit aq mba pas ikutan virtual tour kemarin tuh, berasa ada di suatu masa zaman dahulu kala seneng banget deh rasanya, so far aq suka dan lumayan terkejut dengan virtual tour ini dan pas aq cek ignya @wisatakreatifjakarta ternyata banyak sekali pilihannya
ReplyDeleteYa allah kapan ya aku bisa ke korsel. Negara yang pengen banget aku kunjungin nih mba. Daya magisnya kuat banget ya. Duh pengennnn huhuhu
ReplyDeleteAnyeong yorobun. Kumapsemida untuk infonya. Saat ini kita virtual dulu ya jaga sehat dulu . Dia yg kenceng biar bs ke korea bareng
ReplyDeleteDari 8 destinasi di atas, saya paling tertarik sama destinasi Gyeongbok Palace dan Hanok Village, sambil ngebayangin foto2 di sana pakai Hanbok. Semoga pandemi ini segera usai, udah nggak sabar pengen jalan2. Korea Selatan sudah masuk bucket list saya, semoga ada rezeki bisa ke sana.
ReplyDeleteSeoul selalu menarik untuk dikunjungi, kemarin ke sana menemani teman yang suka kpop hahahaha jadilah merasakan ke SMTOWN.. seneng banget karena bisa cobain hanbok dan masuk ke istana secara gratis 😍duh pengen ke sana lagi, ada 5 yang belum sempat kudatangi kemarin.. 💃💃mari berdoa pandemi selesai dan dan pariwisata dibuka lagi
ReplyDeleteduh aku mah baru sempet ikut virtualnya aja, suka sedih deh teh, beberapa tahun lalu mau trip ke Korea dari kantor eh barengan pas mau lahiran, yasud ikhlaskan huhuhu
ReplyDeleteImpian banget nih bisa ke Korea khususnya Seoul. Udah lama banget pengen kesini, giliran udah nabung eh pandemi haha.. Mudah2an ntar bisa kesana.
ReplyDeleteTur virtual gini bikin makin pengen ke sana gak sih kak? Hihihi... duh semoga lekas berlalu ya supaya kita bisa travelling dengan aman dan nyaman.
ReplyDeleteEoni daebak! Englishnya keren pinter ih, ajarin mauu. Semua tempat di Seoul pernah di kunjungi adikku di pamerin gitu. MUpeng banget diriku, semoga ada rejeki bisa pindah ke sana
ReplyDeleteDuh pengen deh ke Korea Selatan, mengunjungi tempat-tempat yang ada di artikel ini, berasa ada dalam cerita drama ya
ReplyDeleteKorea salah satu destinasi impianku. Aku pengen banget kesana gegeara sering nonton drakor haha dan semoga ya kalau ke Korea aku bisa ke tempat-tempat diatas juga ��
ReplyDeleteAku pengen baget ke Korea mudah2an suatu saat nanti bisa ke sana ah...Baca-baca ini jadi makin mupeng deh Teh...hehe...
ReplyDeleteI think Nami island is the most beautiful one. I hope someday I can get there along with my family. Aamiin...
ReplyDeleteEoni pengen bisa ke sana, semoga kita bisa jalan-jalan bareng ya ke Korea.
ReplyDeleteGemes banget sama Korea Selatan itu kenapa selalu keren ya, visual yang sering kita liat di drakor emang luar biasa
Ya Allah, i wanna..semoga ada rezeki nya bisa main ke Korsel ya Rabb aamiin...
ReplyDeleteMenarik banget virtual tour Korea nya, Masya Allah. Nggak berkunjung ke sana seakan bisa menjangkau tempat-tempat yang udah terkenal ya. Aku tertarik Hanok Village, semoga ada kesempatan bisa nginap di sana
ReplyDeleteKorea, definitely one of my bucket list!
ReplyDelete... and I think It's gonna perfectly awesome if I able to go there with my one only, Yasmine, whom is totally crazy with one of Stray Kids personnel, Bang Chan.
Thanks for your review, it make me feeling so hard to come at there with my family, hahaha. I wanna visit 925 Building
ReplyDeleteWahh baca review ini jadi makin pengen ke korea, ah semoga someday bisa kesana. .
ReplyDeleteBtw artikelnya kece teh, in english
gak perlu diragukan lagi memang Korea selalu menawarkan hal2 unik, indah, dan menarik bagi siapa saja yg berkunjung ke sana.. duh rasanya pengen banget ke Seoul setelah baca artikel ini deh kak..
ReplyDeleteMeski bukan pecinta drakor aku mau dunk jalan jalan sama suami ke Korea eh anakku yang abg suka Kpop..dia pasti mau banget ke Korea
ReplyDeleteNami island and Cheonggyecheon Stream are two places that make me want to go to that country. Hopefully, one day, I can enjoy the scenery by my own.